The Story of the Lost Mule

It was early spring in the year 2007…

We grinned at one another as we made the turn down our lane.  It was a familiar drive, one we had experienced every weekend since the purchase of our property in 2006.

There was always a shared sigh of relief that once again we had made the 140 miles of winding hills in the darkness successfully dodging the multitude of deer.  In the backseat, our dogs were getting restless as they began to recognize the earthy aroma of the farm.  A place they considered heaven – away from the confines of the small fenced yard at home.  As George got out to open the tangled barbed wire of the old stretch gate I could see his breath in the frigid night air.

It was early April and the night was glistening with frost as the headlights lit our way down the long mazy path that leads to our cabin, nestled deep in the woods.  In pitch darkness he was unlocking the cabin door when he caught the sight of movement behind the cabin, then the sound of the BBQ grill crashing to the ground.  I watched as my husband – who faces anything – jumped as the shadow of a large creature leaped into the darkness.  He got the cabin door open and flipped on the outdoor floodlights. After taking a quick inventory of the damage he came back to the car to get me and carry in the weekend supplies.  Once we were inside he began building the fire to take the chill off the old cabin.   Once the flames took off he told me he had seen something in the dark.

He is a master at downplaying anything he thinks might frighten me.  Stored in the back of his mind was the thought that if I became afraid of what creatures lurk in the woods, his weekends in paradise would soon come to an end.  He told me it must have just been a deer.  Aware that there are many harmless creatures in the night, I didn’t think too much more about it.

As the fire warmed the cabin, I began to unpack our food and get settled in for another weekend of pure serenity.  It was Friday and we were ready for some much-needed rest.

The morning woke us with the promise of warmth as the rays of sun beamed in the bedroom window.  He stoked the fire while I got the coffee started.  Together we stepped onto the front porch to survey our little kingdom. With the steam from our coffee warming our faces on this frosty morning, we notice over in the farthest field there is a large dark animal.

I ran inside and grabbed the binoculars to get a better look – was this a mule?

Excited by our newest visitor, we quickly bundled up, fetched an apple and started our hike in his direction.

Now that this mule was the answer to the strange creature lurking in the darkness behind our cabin, it was safe to discuss that it must have been him that knocked over the grill, and not a deer.

He was a curious but timid old mule, the closer we got – the further he went.  But if we stood still and ignored him, he would approach us.  Never trusting in us to get close enough to take the apple from my hand or to get a loving scratch behind the ears.

This routine of “playing hard to get” continued, each time we would get a little closer than the last, but never actually able to reach out and touch him.  He would stand just out of arms reach, breaking eye contact and trotting off as we would make any advance toward him.

We could see he was long in the tooth and his neck was thick, both signs of an aging mule.

At sundown, as the coyotes would begin to howl, I couldn’t help worry about him – out there all alone.  His only shelter was a loafing shed (3 sided building with southern exposure) to help shield the cold north winds.  We could tell from his droppings that there were times he was happy to have that shelter.

It brought delight to my days knowing he would find the scattered flakes of hay and the apples & carrots we would set out on the old hickory stump.  We would continue to leave these treats for him over the next 4 years of his life.

He became a welcome fixture on the hills of our farm.

We may never know how he found his way into our pasture in the early spring of 2007 – But he lived out his days here.

We honored his memory with the name of our farm “Lost Mule Ridge” and later in 2015 with the name of our home “Lost Mule Lodge”.


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 I regret that I was never able to get a clear photo of our mule,  the photo above is a stock photo.

All photos, thoughts, experiences, and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.


The Scary-Go-Round

Have you ever watched a series on Netflix? You get to the end of the season, roll your weary, bloodshot eyes and say out loud, “it is ridiculous to have to wait a whole year for the next season!”

I feel like I have made you wait….  about the time you thought it was time for the next post, there wasn’t one…

While you were waiting on a new post, this blog was celebrating its first year of publication!

Thanks to you – each one of you!

I appreciate that together we have shared some of life’s crazy experiences, unique projects, and inspirations.  The best is sharing the gift of laughter.

Recently I was invited to a three-day writer’s retreat in the Ozarks, (speaking of a good series, Ozark was really good). I met some amazing ladies who helped me discover that I have a lot more to learn about writing, about blogging, and about life.

I can’t wait to put my new writing skills to work and share what we have done and what changes are taking place here at the Lodge…

The excitement is killing me!!!!

I will give you one hint – but just one:

“Baaaaa….”  there, that’s it…  no more clues.


In the spirit of Halloween – let’s talk about our Scary-Go-Round.

Every year we put up our dancing ghosts.

And every year the wind gusts and breaks a stick or two – leaving a hillside of broken “bones” and less than spooky ghosts in a heap, in need of repairs.

Until this year…

Sir Lots-a-Wit had a solution to all those spineless ghosts.

He came up with the brilliant idea of working with the wind instead of against it.

I think this has been his secret to getting along with me all these years!

Just work with it, not against it!!  –  “It” being me.


He quickly built a crude (very crude) wooden framed merry-go-round.

Setting it up on a ball bearing metal plate that spins – much like a lazy susan. Then he attached each ghost to a spoke on the merry go round wheel, and there you have his latest invention…


A Scary-Go-Round!

The more the wind gusts – the faster they spin!

He even added solar lights so we could watch the spinning at night.

Another job well done.


Alright, alright…

I can’t stand it another minute…


We are getting Sheeeeeep!!


Wow…  I sure blurted that out!


Now, back to the ghosts and the Scary-Go-Round….

Regular ghosts are so easy to make and are such an adorable yard decoration for Halloween.

Materials needed:

4 twin size flat sheets – I got ours at WalMart – about $5 each

4 round styrofoam heads

4 sticks – I used 2×2 boards about 4 or 5 ft tall

4 dowel rod pcs about 6 inches long each

Instructions –

Hammer sticks into ground about a foot

drill hole in the top of each stick about 3 inches deep

stick the dowel into the hole on top of the stick and shove styrofoam ball onto dowel and stick

cover styrofoam with the flat sheet and secure sheet by tying string at the base of styrofoam head

when ghosts are made – tie sheet corner pieces together as if they are holding hands.

*Scary-Go-Round built separately.


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What if Tomorrow was the Last Day…?

Not to sound too depressing but let’s face it, none of us are getting out of this alive…

We never know when it will be our last day – or a loved one’s last day.

Recently, I met a wonderful lady – she is my age – we live similar lifestyles, both of us happily married to great men.

Her story stopped me in my tracks and changed my life forever.

It was a typical day for both of them.  After a quick peck on the cheek, he headed out to work in the fields and she began her daily routine of chores around the house.

She never expected to lose him that day.  Neither of them knew that morning would be their last.

No one wants to think of such a nightmare, but we all realize it can happen… in the blink of an eye.

If only we were given a warning – If God whispered: “tomorrow is your last day.”

What would we do differently?

I am embarrassed to say that my answer would be, “I would do a lot of things differently.”



If I would do things differently just because it was my last day then why not start making those changes now?

I would want my words to be more kind. I would be more genuine and less hurried.  I would try to be more focused, to live life in the moment.  I want to be present and engaged with others I encounter.

I want my memory to bring a smile.


I have an experiment I would like you to do…

I did this for just 3 days and it changed how I see and communicate with others.

  • Try to make a sincere effort to listen more intently, to your children, your spouse, to everyone.
  • Be aware of your words, make your words softer and more kind.
  • Do your best to uplift family and total strangers with eye contact, a smile, and a nice greeting.
  • Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.  If they wave you off, tell them anyway.

For 3 days live your life like the next day was your last – or their last.

This is how this experiment changed me…

I reached out to everyone I encountered – I asked the checkout girl at Walmart if she was a student (it is a college town) – that sparked a conversation – she told me she is a freshman and this is her first time to be away from home, she enjoys her classes but really misses her family back home.

The elderly lady in line at the grocery store had gorgeous long silvery hair and a shirt that she “bedazzled” herself.  I told her she was beautiful – (these were words I doubt she had heard in a while) this gorgeous lady was 87 and trying to find herself since her husband passed away last March.  As I was headed out the door she called to me and asked my name, she said she wanted to remember me because I made her feel beautiful again.

I felt genuine, I listened with my heart, I spoke from my heart.  I made time for people, I made more eye contact, and people noticed.  When they saw I was totally engaged, they responded from their heart.

In just one afternoon, I met 2 people who were going through a silent struggle.  It felt good knowing that I made their day a little better just by caring, listening and offering a kind word.


Instead of giving my husband a quick peck on the cheek, I look deep into his baby blues and stroke his bearded face as I kiss him, with a hug that lasts a bit longer.

When I slip on my shoes at dawn and go to turn the chickens out I stop to take in the fresh aroma of the morning, I spend a moment to admire the moon still in the morning sky.

Most of us will never get that warning telling us tomorrow is our last day.  Or the last day of a loved one, or anyone we encounter.

This 3-day experiment is something I want every day. I want to continue being this person.

I want this for each of you.  Think of what you would do differently.  What are you waiting for…?


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All photos, thoughts, experiences, and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.

Copyright © Lost Mule Lodge 2017 All Rights Reserved




My 10 Minute Upholstery Project


I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I upholstered this chair… in 10 minutes.

…in 10 minutes people!

Seriously, in the amount of time it takes you to sweep those Cheerios off the kitchen floor you could do this.

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